
Choosing your wood floor

When we choose our dream house, frequently we ask ourselves: which floor do I choose? Laminated or natural wood?

Laminated and natural wood floors has a few advantages in common. The variety of designs and the ease of installation are just a few of them. Usually, who chooses the natural wood florring says that the artificial one will never be better than something created by nature. On the other hand, there are those who prefer the facilities and cost-effectiveness offered by the laminate flooring.

A noticeable difference in touchEscolhendo seu piso de madeira 1

Thanks to the properties and natural appearances of the material, wooden floors have the ability to create a cozy and comfortable ambient that provides a sense of security. It’s like being able to appreciate the aromas and the beauty of a forest without having to leave your house.

The natural wood is warm and pleasant to the touch and will make you want to walk barefoot through the house. Laminate flooring is usually cooler, what is perfect for our Brazilian climate, where it’s usually hot even in the winter.

The surface naturally non-slippery of the wood makes both floors safe and comfortable for children’s play. It is also necessary to know that, during production and usage of the wood floor, no nocive substances to the environment are released.

Escolhendo seu piso de madeira 2Long-term investment

Laminate flooring has as one of its biggest benefits the durability. It’s good to remember that laminated floors last way more than the natural wood ones. They’re more resistant to risks and, if necessary, their replacement is simple. Thus we can see that laminate floors also have advantages over the natural wood.

Natural wood floors are resistant to damages and tend to last a long time, but if necessary, the replacement usually is more expensive and complicated.

One of the advantages that both floors have is their portability, even though it doesn’t apply to all cases. If the floor needs to be removed and reinstalled in a smaller location, this can be easily done.

Colors and finishings

In this case we have another tie: both floors have great diversity in their catalogs. Consumers can choose between products of wood from Europe, America, Brazil etc…

Thus it’s noticeable that both floors are great with their advantages and peculiarities. It will depend exclusively of each consumer on which one offers him the best cost-effectiveness.


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